Welcome to Heartsdesire

Welcome to my place! just wanted to share my art, my dogs and whatever else inspires me.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

News of the day, where to start!!

Well, very cool day lots of good stuff to report.

We started our day at the veterinarian office with Moonshine to get her progesterone levels drawn. Then off to Cornell to drop off the serum to be analysis. Well as long as we are in Ithaca a stop at Quilters Corners is in order to visit with the ladies and pick up a few little things.

On our way home we stopped at Kaleidoscope of Quilts in Little York and scheduled some class time. I will be trying something a little different, our class will run from Aug. 13th thru the 17th, 1 - 4 pm. so if your interested in trying your hand at a portrait come have some fun with us!!

Moonshine, Kegger and I followed up that wonderful visit with a walk around Dwyer Park around the lake and through the woods. What a beautiful day.

So finally at home and on line with Fil-Tec to place a thread order, but where oh where did I put that promo code for the free sample of water soluble thread????? Well I called Fil-Tec and Chris South was such a nice guy telling me not to worry, go ahead and place my order. Chris then began asking me about my quilting and asked me if i wouldn't send a few pictures and write a testimonial!  Love too!  I love Glide thread!!  So placed my order of thread and sent off the pictures. can't wait for my order to get here!  By the way Fil-tec is introducing 60 new colors!!! starting July 16th one new color each day will be introduced on their facebook page, check it out.

Dr. Martin finally called, Moonshines progesterone level is 2.89, so she has hit her LH surge and is on her way to ovulation.  We will be heading off to Ohio on Thursday morning to meet up with the puppy daddy Taz! Then the big 63 day count down will begin.

Well finally evening and there is some really yummy smells coming from the kitchen. Hubby Jim is being his masterful self with what smells like a juicy steak! mmmmm steak! 

good night all!!

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