So, I have printed out my pattern with the use of a poster program and taped all the pages together to make my pattern. At 500% my pattern now measures 55 x 42.5. (use masking tape it won't melt when you iron over it) This is the right side.
Turn the pattern over and lay Heat'n'Bond lite on the wrong side of the pattern (if the patten is to large tape sheets of heat'n'bond together with masking tape) and trace the pattern on to the heat'n'bond.
Now that you have traced the pattern onto the heat'n'bond, set it aside.
Now take your fabric selected for the "pallet" and lay it right side down. Now lay your pattern right side down on top of your pallet and tape your pattern to your pallet.
Turn the whole piece over and lay it atop a light box, this will enable you to see your pattern through the pallet and to place your applique` pieces in exactly the right place as if it were a child's puzzle. With your original picture at hand for reference, begin cutting your pattern from the heat'n'bond (one piece at a time, or pieces will disappear on you) and select appropriate fabrics in color and movement to fit the picture. Iron the heat'n'bond to the wrong side of your fabric, peal off the paper, lay your fabric onto the pallet right into it's place in the puzzle and iron (I iron right atop my light box, I have been doing it for years without any problems)
My applique` is complete!
The next step is to sandwich my quilt. I prefer to use Thermore batting for my wall hangings. It tends to shift less and much less lint in my bobbin case as I'm sewing.
I then us a waster soluble thread to baste my quilt. With all the stitching that will be done it helps to keep the quilt flat and it keeps all my piecing in place. As you must know heat'n'bond doesn't always keep everything attached 100%.
The best part of the water soluble thread is that when you are finished quilting and ready to block, just by getting your quilt damp makes all that basting go away and no thread to pick!
Sew here I go, time to Sew.....
More to come!