Welcome to Heartsdesire

Welcome to my place! just wanted to share my art, my dogs and whatever else inspires me.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Busy, Busy

So much to do, and not enough time. So why am I setting here and not in my studio?? Because this is my quiet time. The dogs have been out, fed and back to sleep. Because it's Sat. Jim is still sleeping and most likely for another few hours. I love my quiet time. Time to think, time to organize my thought (if I have any), time to catch up on the world without interruption.

Taught my first quilting class at Quilters Corners in Ithaca! What a wonderful group of ladies! I had so much fun and they were all so sweet and creative too. The work they did was just wonderful. Why didn't I do this long ago? But now that I have taught I have figured out several things I can do to improve. So, I must get busy!

My next class isn't until July 14th, however, I have 2 dog shows between now and then and one of them is in Indiana for 6 days! I will be home on the 12th late and have one day to rest and get ready for my class. that leaves me with the next 4 days to not only prepare for my class but to pack and groom dogs for the next 2 weeks of shows.

Ok, starting to feel like I'm a bit crazy, but at least it is my crazy. No clock to punch, no boss looking over my shoulder, no catty nurses aids, nurses or other staff "stirring the pot". NO MORE DRAMA! accept my own of course.

Oh well, quiet time is over and the wild rumpus of puppy play has commenced. Toys are squeaking, balls are being thrown and the sound of thud rumbles as 100 lb. plus puppies hit the floor wrestling. And now, my drowsy husband has emerged from his hibernation and doing his morning pacing. Time to retreat to my room, quiet time is over.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Ch. Furnace Hills Barbuto

Ok so I have been a bit busy! that's good! so this is Barbuto or "BJ" for short. and the First Spinone that I have done. I think he came out very well, just hope the customer likes it too!

Such a good day!

What a great day, I had the second of my two part class teaching my portrait quilts at Quilters corners. What a wonderful class of ladies, they were so excited about their projects and they came out fantastic!

Ladies thank you so much for making my first attempt and teaching so very special!

Friday, June 11, 2010

to go or not to go that is the question.

When did I get this old that a little threat of rain would keep me from wanting to go camping?? I use to love it, wouldn't care what kind of weather, just to be outdoors was a high.

As I set here and contemplate, I really don't think it has anything to do with the weather. I think it has much more to do with the fact that I no longer get that high while camping because of all the generators running around me. I mean really when did one need a generator to go camping? I still camp in a tent for gosh sakes, I sleep on the ground, use my coleman stove and perk my coffee in a coffee pot that does not require to be plugged in.

Camping was meant for those that wanted to immerse themselves in nature, to set by a warm fire, to read, to write, to listen, to experience. When did that get replaced by generators??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stoney comes for a visit.

Surprise visit from my nieces and Stony yesterday. what a wonderful matching this dog was for the girls. what a funny boy Stony is. He climbed right into Murphy's Kiddie pool and layed right down. of course the water was a bit yucky with all the rain that we have had and with the muddy paws that have been getting in and out so we took the opportunity to give the Stonster a bath... he turned out so handsome don't you think.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


well it finally happened, Jim was banished to the spare room to sleep. Apparently, when he came to bed I was sound asleep surrounded by all 3 dogs. He attempted to remove them but failed and did not want to wake me, so off to the spare room for him.

last night was just one of those perfect nights to sleep. cool temperatures and a warm blanket.

So much to do this week. Finish a quilt, finish dog bibs and pack to go camping.. So why am I setting here typing away?? because the coffee is not ready yet!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Class went Great!

Well my first day of teaching at Quilters Corners went wonderfully! Everyone was so excited to see their puppy and one very pretty kitty made up into a pattern. I can't get over how quiet the class was! They were all concentrating so hard to pick out just the right colors. I can't wait to see them all in 2 weeks to see how they turned out!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today is the day.

Well, it's here. My first day of teaching at Quilters Corners! except for a few little things I'm all ready, everything is packed. at least I hope so. A bit nervous, why I'm not to sure, I have met most of the ladies in the class already and they are so excited about having something that is really new that I don't think they will care at all if I mess up. Any way how will they know, they have never done this before. So.... just finish up the details and push on with the day!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 2 of my blog

The day is off to a good start! The dogs let me sleep until 7:45am almost a new record.

So much to do today... patterns to make, directions to finish in preparation for my class tomorrow at Quilters Corners. But first I must consume the required amount of coffee and wake up enough to see straight.

The wild rumpus is off to a good start in the living room. Puppies have all been fed and morning play time has commenced. Boy won't they be happy when the vacuum starts up, not!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

getting there

Well I think I'm on the right track and doing everything I can to promote my work and remaining within the budget. Did I happen to mention that this is no budget?

Keep smiling, keep working, keep your chin up, it will all work out somehow. But dear God could you please help the process along just a little faster, please??

I know patients!!!

Any way... pretty good day. Visit from my two lovely nieces Erin and the new Cortland County Dairy princes Chelsea. Chelsea has been out and about promoting milk to elementary school children today and I believe Miss Erin has been driving the team of white horses, or is that the maroon car that the brakes keep looking up on? I forget, getting way to old, burning brain cells trying to figure out how to post a blog :)
I spent most of the day preparing for the quilting class I'm teaching this weekend and started another portrait. Can you say Dreamy???

ended the day with a trip to the cemetery for more pictures. one of my favorite hobbies is attempting to figure out my family tree. So I have been taking pictures of headstones to post on my family tree through Ancestry.com. Amazing the things you find out! But it's late and once you get me going on that I might never stop.

finally, while Jim was making dinner I ventured out to my garden and picked some very sweet yummy strawberries for our dessert, mmmmmm

blogging nightmare

Ok, here it is, my first attempt at blogging.

Now that I have gone through all that work so that I can tell the world I have something to say, I find that my head is completely empty. I guess I used up all the cells just trying to figure out how to set up a blog, go figure.

Anyway, here I am. I'm married and have 2 sons that are all grown up.

I am currently embarking on a new beginning to my life as a quilt portrait artist. If you have the time and inclination I hope that you might visit my web page and look over my work.

I also for some crazy reason (at least at this moment) raise Bernese Mountain Dogs. Crazy because they are currently rolling around the house attempting to get their workout in before it is time for their afternoon nap!!

well so much for my blog today. I have so much preparation to do for a class that I am teaching this weekend at Quilters Corners in Ithaca and I have spent most of the morning working on setting up my blog!! Oh to live the "Sex and the City" life of Carrie, to be able to afford a business manager so that I can just simply work.

Ok, within the time it took me to write this blogg all the dogs are worn out and sleeping :) time for me to get to work.